CRUX-Linux ports

Steffen's CRUX-Linux ports

A few ports for  Crux-Linux that i miss. These are verifiable with my  Signify public key. (Its signature: [Image: CRUX logo] The ports can be accessed through the usual  Crux port drivers, namely  httpup (ports/stenur.httpup) and  git(1) (ports/stenur.git). The git version can be browsed online.

I have written a wrapper script,, around the CRUX package tools and their configuration files /etc/pkgmk.conf and /etc/prt-get.conf that i find very comfortable, it reduces a full system update to

	# bin/ -sU  # -s may not be available for you

	# # prt-get --test sysup
	# # bin/
	# # .. olay adjustments, as necessary ..

	# bin/ -d  # download anything
	# # no more web traffic

	# bin/ -nq # build anything non-interactive + "quiet"
	# # in case of package errors fix that, build it via prt-get,
	# # and then call "# bin/ -r" to resume normal flow

	# bin/

Whereas is easily usable / adaptable (you surely want to adjust the BOX_PORTS variable), and are pretty much specific and depend on my style. In general it builds on directives in /etc/prt-get.conf:

	# two specific directories in order
	prtdir /usr/ports/olay-lock
	prtdir /usr/ports/olay
	# .. and whatever rest
	prtdir /usr/ports/stenur
	prtdir /usr/ports/core
	prtdir /usr/ports/opt
	prtdir /usr/ports/xorg
	prtdir /usr/ports/contrib

olay-lock and olay contain local overlays, ports in olay-lock are treated as if locked via prt-get lock PORT, whereas those in olay will be built as necessary, and automatically moved to olay-lock upon success To get reminded of possibly desired updates of overlayed ports run

Once an update was performed i call, it looks for obsolete binaries (/usr/ports/built) and balls (/x/balls), and moves them to the respective .stale subdirectory, after cleaning whatever sits therein for over a week first. (For graceful functioning this requires git(1) based prtdirs: because the CRUX packet manager does not track which source files and upstream release tarballs etc. where used to create the prt-get current package, the installed version and the one represented by the Pkgfile in the portdir may have nothing in common -- but with git(1) the script can resolve the Pkgfile of the installed package, and therefore find and work on the proper files.) These two are mount points here, and in conjunction with file system snapshots i have a clean set of required source balls and built packages, with the recently replaced ones still available in .stale.

acpid acpid: ACPI event management daemon with netlink support.
apulse apulse: PulseAudio emulation for ALSA.
bluealsa bluez-alsa: Bluetooth Audio ALSA Backend (for users in "audio" group).
bmake bmake: NetBSD make program.
bogofilter-lmdb bogofilter: Fast Bayesian spam filtering, using LMDB backend.
calendar BSD calendar:  OpenBSD program (via Leah Neukirchen), and  FreeBSD database files; do cd && touch calendar && calendar.
cwm cwm: Linux port of the OpenBSD window manager.
doxygen doxygen: Source code documentation generator tool.
dtach dtach: Emulates the detach feature of screen.
encfs encfs: Encrypted filesystems via FUSE.
ethtool ethtool: Utility for controlling network drivers and hardware.
ipcalc ipcalc: Calculate IPv4/6 broadcast, network and host range.
iw iw: nl80211 based CLI configuration utility for wireless devices.
kexec-tools kexec-tools: User space utility to load and exec another kernel.
libao libao: Cross-platform audio output library and plugins.
lighttpd lighttpd: Secure, fast, compliant and very flexible web server.
lmdb LMDB: The Lightning Memory-Mapped Database Manager.
lynx-redux lynx, the text mode browser. Like contrib/lynx, but somewhat stripped down (can be installed concurrently).It also has a SOCKS5 proxy support patch (via -socks5_proxy).
mawk mawk: Thomas Dickey's mawk AWK interpreter.
nawk nawk: The one, true implementation of AWK.
pam_xdgpam_xdg: PAM module to manage XDG Base Directory Specification 0.8 (see manual).
postfix-lmdb postfix: Secure and fast drop-in replacement for Sendmail (MTA).
plzip plzip: Parallelized lzip compression tool.
s-bsdipas-bsdipa: Create or apply binary difference patch.
s-cddas-cdda: Access audio CDs (informations and track data).
s-cdda-to-dbs-cdda-to-db: Create music databases via S-cdda.
s-dkim-signs-dkim-sign: Postfix-only DKIM sign-only milter.
s-port-knocks-port-knock: Simple port knock via SSH signatures.
s-postgrays-postgray: Postfix graylisting policy server.
slock slock: A simple X display locker.
sox sox: Sound eXchange, the Swiss Army knife of audio manipulation.
st st: Simple terminal emulator for X, with X resource support (patch).
tcc tinycc: Tiny C Compiler - C Scripting Everywhere.
translate-shell translate-shell: Command line translator powered by configurable online service.
usocks usocks-0.7.c: Detour network traffic through SOCKS5 proxy.
wireguard-tools wireguard-tools: Tools for configuring WireGuard.
xclip xclip: A command line interface to the X11 clipboard.
yt-dlp yt-dlp: CLI program to access YouTube and other data content.

Copyright (c) 1997 - 2024, Steffen Nurpmeso <>
@(#)index.html-w42 1.67 2025-01-09T23:10:38+0000